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Public Records

To view documents the County has in their image database, you will need to subscribe to iDoc Market:

Our title company vendors may want to do the yearly pass with the unlimited view free and print fee is .20 cents a page. There is a subscription plan to fit all needs from one hour to a yearly pass. We are very pleased to be able to offer this time and money saving process to our county residents and vendors and all the people interested in Granite County. Below is access information.

iDoc Market Web Address –

iDoc Market Public Support –

Granite County Junk Vehicle Program

Montana was one of the leading states to enact junk vehicle legislation. It's primary purpose is to control junk vehicles from being scattered throughout the countryside, thereby helping to preserve the beauty of our state.


This program also provides for the recycling of the junk vehicles collected so that this valuable resource may be utilized again. This program is paid for from the small fee you are assessed when you license your vehicle. The benefits of this program are available to all Montanans and you are encouraged to use them.

In 1973 the Montana Motor Vehicle Recycling and Disposal Act was enacted for the establishment, control, operation, and licensing of public and private motor vehicle wrecking facilities. This law requires commercial and county motor vehicle storage and wrecking yards to obtain an annual license, keep pertinent records and shield their junk vehicles from public view. This law also requires the control of junk vehicles in your yard, alley, etc.

A junk vehicle is defined as any "discarded, ruined, wrecked, or dismantled motor vehicle, including component parts, which is not lawfully and validly licensed, and remains inoperative or incapable of being driven" A vehicle must meet all three parts of the definition to be classified as a junk vehicle.

If you have a vehicle that you think may qualify for this program please contact: Granite County Clerk & Recorder’s Office (406) 859-3771 opt 2

For more information and FAQ please visit Montana’s Junk Vehicle Program website:

Department Contact Info


P.O. Box 9

Philipsburg, MT


Junk Vehicle Release Form

Useful Documents

Vehicle Release Form

To obtain an address in Granite County, please contact:

Matthew Pearce, ENP

President, Mapping and Planning Specialists, Inc.

5838 Blackshire Path Suite 204

Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076

Phone: 877-944-5464


Department Contact Info


(406) 859-3771 opt 2

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 925, Philipsburg, MT 59858

Sarah Graham

Clerk & Recorder/Election Admin

Staff Contacts

County Treasurer

Junk Vehicle Program

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